Neil Mendes
Alpine Polytech

Neil has more than 35 years work experience in the engineered materials arena. Currently Neil is the CEO of Alpine Polytech, an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited Laboratory providing material and equipment performance testing and consulting services to the Energy, Aerospace & Industrial Markets. Alpine works with all fluids and environments that polymers will see in service, including H2, NH3, H2S, HF, CH4, CO2, CCUS from cryogenic to 300˚C and from vacuum to 40,000 psi. Neil also sits on numerous API committees including API 6, API 19, API 16, among others.  Neil currently sits on the board of the Energy Polymer Group and has served as Chair two times as well as Area Director for Gulf Coast Region.

Prior to Co-founding Alpine Polytech, Neil spent 20 years with Greene, Tweed & Company, from 2009-2014, Neil was Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Greene, Tweed Company, prior to that (2001-2009), he served as General Manager/Vice President of the Oilfield Business Group.