Submit your paper
Submit your paper

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract (presentation proposal) to be considered at the Polymer Testing World Expo Conference.

Submission guidelines 

Presentation offers are only invited from companies that have booked an exhibition stand. Exceptions may be granted for keynote presentations or panel participants.

All proposals will be assessed by an independent panel of industry experts. Preference will be given to new papers that include practical information, application case studies, innovative technologies, new scientific data, or fresh market analysis. Commercial sales talks will not be accepted.

Presentations will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes each which will be strictly enforced.

Companies can submit more than one proposal for consideration, but a maximum of one paper per exhibitor will be accepted.  


Submit a presentation topic

Email Golara Mousavian with your presentation proposal.

T / +1 610 478 0800
E /


Submit a presentation proposal online by completing the form below. 

Please select which conference your presentation is applicable to


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