C-Therm launches new high temperature thermal conductivity product

C-Therm Technologies, the world leader in thermal conductivity instrumentation, have announced that the official product launch of their new high temperature needle sensor. The TLS-HT-300 is designed for testing thermal conductivity of polymers at elevated
temperatures and pressures. The new product was developed as part of a project with the German Fraunhofer Institute’s Laser and System Technologies (iLAS) and the Technical University of Hamburg.
With advancements for testing up to 300° C, the new sensor provides significant added value in characterizing polymer melt behavior. It is also well suited for testing the thermal conductivity of additive manufacturing feedstock and geological samples
for applications in geothermal surveying and enhanced oil recovery.
C-Therm Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Jarett Nickerson, comments "C-Therm has been a leader in thermal conductivity testing for over a decade as the choice of customers such as Covestro, Sekisui and 3M. This new product will allow polymer researchers to further their understanding of polymer and composite behavior under better representative conditions for plastic injection molding.”
Earlier this year C-Therm posted record growth in doubling revenues over the same period last year. The growth has been driven by the continued success of C-Therm’s Trident Thermal Conductivity instrument launched in 2019.
About C-Therm Technologies Ltd.
Simplifying thermal conductivity testing for the materials of tomorrow.
C-Therm Technologies Ltd., headquartered in Fredericton New Brunswick, Canada, provides thermal conductivity characterization instrumentation for R&D, production and quality control environments. C-Therm’s Flagship Thermal Conductivity
Instrument, TridentTM, delivers fast, accurate measurement of thermal conductivity. To find out more information about C-Therm products and applications, visit www.ctherm.com.
C-Therm Technologies Ltd is exhibiting at the Polymer Testing World Expo.